Society Rules

The Ducklington Golf Society Rules 2022

A group of golfers with an organising committee voted in by members at an AGM on an annual basis.


1/ All Participants will be members of the society. 

                1a/   Non Members (Guest’s) can participate in One Society day, followed by a retainer/deposit.

                1b/   Non Members are not able to win Cash prizes or Honour’s.

                1c/   Non Members are eligible for longest drive and nearest the pin prizes

                1d/  A £10 retainer/deposit will be paid by each member on or before the first event in April. This can now be paid via the website.


2a/ Players who are current members of a golf club and who have an official
handicap index, will play off of that handicap index.

2b/ Players who are not members of a golf club will given a Society Handicap Index, which will be set and
maintained, by the handicap secretary, in accordance with World Handicap System rules.

2c/ All players ‘Playing Handicap’ for each game will be determined with
reference to the course rating and slope index tables of the course being played.

          2d/   Guest’s will play off an 18 handicap, unless they provide a valid handicap certificate.


                3a/   Winner of day will be cut one shot.

                3b/   2nd Place will be cut 0.5 shot.

                3c/   All scores over Par(36) will be deducted 0.5 per shot better than Par.

                3d/   Maximum handicap reduction per match is 3 shots.

                3e/   Scores between 31 – 35 points : Handicap adjusted 0.3 higher.   **

                3f/    Scores between 26 – 30 points : Handicap adjusted 0.6 higher.   **

                3g/   Scores of 25 points and below  : Handicap adjusted 1.0 higher.   **


                4a/   All members will play strictly to the rules of golf as laid down by the R&A.

                4b/   All golfers to hole out. ( no gimmies )

                4c/   Winter Rule of “pick and place” on cut grass will be used at all venues. ( lift clean and replace

                         within 6″, not closer to the hole. )


                5a/   All Golfers will conduct themselves in a proper manner at all Golf Courses.

                5b/   All Members will observe the Dress code of all venues attended.

                5c/   We do not insist on Collar and Tie, except for Captains Day Meal / Presentation.


                6a/   Each player is responsible for checking, signing, and returning
their score card to the officer of the day.

                6b/   In the event of a tie, result will be deemed by :        
Back 9

 Back 6

  Back 3

   Last hole score.

In the event of a Club cancelling the Society event, all funds will be returned to members.

7b/ If a member cancels less than 72hrs before event
they will lose there retainer/deposit to help cover our cost’s.
The member will be required to pay there retainer again before the next event. (Rule 1d)