2021 Minutes

20:00 Wetherspoons Witney.

Steve Brooks, Bruce Fowlie, Andy Phillpot, Monty, Stuart Green, Dave Abberley, Alan Lake, Nic Pritcher, Graeme Perry, Craig Harris, Paul Seamer, John Green.

2021 Attendance.
Naunton Downs 17, Drayton 15, Wychwood 17, Feldon Valley 11, Broome Manor 12.
A fairly good turn out considering current restrictions.

Info to follow.

After a brief discussion it was decided no changes would be made to the current system.
Alan Lake will implement the new national handicap process.

2022 Courses and Costs.
As previous years we swap  half the courses, this year will be the same. A vote was taken on the after round meal, and the outcome was to remove this for next season, with the exception of Captains day.
The Bacon Roll and Coffee will remain.
It was also agreed we would split the society days between Sundays and Fridays.
The cost of Events will be £50 (unless stated on event) across the season due to the increased cost of Green Fee’s.

2022 Tour.
The society tour was discussed and a few would be interested, this depends on current restrictions.
Info on possible location will be ready for the first society day in April.

The current membership remains fairly healthy with 24 playing members.
2 new possible members attended the AGM. Paul Seamer and John Green.

The Winners from previous events need to return there trophies on or before the first society day.
A fairly long conversation was had over late cancellations and the cost to the Society, so a couple of things where agreed.
These will be added to the rules.

1/ A £10 retainer/deposit will be paid by each member on or before the first event in April. This can now be paid via the website.

2/ Cancellations: we need to inform Golf Clubs of player 72hrs before Tee Off, so If a member cancels after this buffer
they will lose there retainer/deposit to help cover our cost’s. The member will be required to pay there retainer again before the next event.

We will introduce a Blob’s fine and a captains Hole to raise money for a nominated charity.
Society Events can now be also paid via the website.

2002 Officers.
Captain : Graeme Perry
Vice captain : TBC
Secretary : Steve Brooks
Treasurer : Monty
Handicaps : Alan Lake.

Meeting Closed 22:20.